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Ribbon results for:

Total Records: 3650
Ribbon Plant Tag Plant Name Exhibit   Grower Class
157 Blc. Cornerstone  Hamilton Greenhouse   017 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers 10cm or less in natural spread
437 Brassocattleya  mayuki 'mayumi'  City of Toronto Conservatories   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
169 Cattleya  Little Marmaid Janet  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
15 Laeliocattleya  City Life 'Di Ciommo John Joseph' HCC/AOS  Di Ciommo Orchids   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
383 Cattleya  Brabantiae loddigesii 'Blue Sky' AM/AOS x aclandiae "Blue Sky" AM AOS Southern Ontario Orchid Society  John Vermeer 017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
151 Blc. Hsinying Angel "˜Hsinying'  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers 10cm or less in natural spread
92 Laeliocattleya   City Life  Joseph Di Ciommo   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
158 Laeliocattleya  Christmas Bouquet  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
163 Lc. Marias Love  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
257 Laeliocattleya  Japanese Beauty "Sakura"  Niagara region Orchid Society  Rick Rempel 017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
142 Potinara  Dream Circle  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers 10cm or less in natural spread
147 Cattleya  Summer Spot "˜Carmela'  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers 10cm or less in natural spread
109 Laelia Cattleya Mari's Song 'CTM27' HCC/AOS x L. ancepts 'dejavu' AM/AOS  Synea Tan   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
232 Cattleya   [(Prism Palette X Galety Falmbeau) X walkeriana] X Dream Cirle Crystal Star Orchids   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
51 Laelcattleya  Hsinying Excell DG' HCC/AOS X Lc. Tropical song "˜Calypos'  London Orchid Society  Jerry Wolfe 017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
115 Brassolaeliocattleya  Morning Glory 'Valentine'  Central Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
132 Brassocattlaelia  Little Mermaid Janet  Central Ontario Orchid Society  G & E Kompter 017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
284 Laelia Cattleya Maris Song 'CTM217' HCC/AOS x Laelia ancepts 'dejavu' AM/AOS  Synea Tan   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
436 Laeliocattleya  Aloha Case  Toronto Artistic Orchid Association   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
116 Lc. Marcello Miranda 'Night Sky'  Southern Ontario Orchid Society  David Bryan 017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
337 Brassocattleya Maikai 'Myumi' HCC/AOS  SOOS Display   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
426 Cattleya  coccinea "select 4N JBM"  Les Orchidophiles de Montreal
 Jardin botanique de Montreal 017 Cattleya, Guarianthe, species, flowers less than 10cm (4 in)
532 Cattleya  lueddemanniana  Ecuagenera, Ecuador
  017 Cattleya, Guarianthe, species, flowers less than 10cm (4 in)
625 Cattleya  White Island  (walkeriana x jongheana) Les Orchidophiles de Montreal   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
528 Brassocattleya  mayuki 'mayumi'  Allan Gardens and Centennial Park Conservatories   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Lavender/Mauve, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).