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Ribbon results for:

Total Records: 3650
Ribbon Plant Tag Plant Name Exhibit   Grower Class
109 Blc. Mem. Helen Brown  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
91 Epilaeliocattleya   Don Herman 'Gold Rush' HCC/AOS  Raymond Lussier   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than the above Yellow/orange
164 Cattleya   C. King's Ransom X Rlc. Golden Regal Crystal Star Orchids   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than the above Yellow/orange
654 Cattleya  Mem. Maggie Hood 'Summit'  Les Orchidophiles de Montreal   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
59 Cattleya  Mari's Magic   Essex County Orchid Society  Albert St. Pierre 020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semialba.
333 Cattleya  Orglade's Grand 'Wilson's Choice' AM/AOS Mildred Rives x Persepolis Southern Ontario Orchid Society   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
154 Cattleya   Lc. Bonanza Queen 'Panamint' X liptonii Crystal Star Orchids   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
40 Potinara  Lisa Taylor Gallis 'Nora'  Barb Morden   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
109 Lc. Melody Fair 'Carol' HCC/AOS Stephen Oliver Fouraker X Horace Genesse Valley Orchid Society   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
153 Cattleya   Lc. Bonanza Queen 'Panamint' X liptonii Crystal Star Orchids   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
447 Cattleya  Jennifer Off 'Joan' HCC/AOS  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 in).
114 Cattleya  Di Ciommo Rubens 'Di Ciommo' HCC/AOS  Di Ciommo Orchids
  020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 in).
563 BC. Hawaii Stars 'Hsinying' (T2)  City of Toronto Parks Dept.   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Semi-alba
315 Cattleya Irena Finney  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 in).
205 Rhyncholaeliocattleya   Mem Grant Eichler 'Lennette' AM/AOS Rlc. James Hausermann x C. Irene Finney (1964) Orchids in Our Tropics
  020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 in).
94 Cattleya Tydea Cattleya trianae x Cattleya pumila Ottawa Orchid Society
 André Couture 020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 in).
122 Cattleya    ECOS   021 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Yellow, orange, flowers 10 cm or less in natural spread
478 Rhyncattleanthe  Young-min Orange 'Golden Satisfaction' Rth. Viola Nugget X Ctt. Trick or Treat Wilson Ng   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
157 Cattleya   loddiglossa 'coerulea' X leopoldii 'coerulea' Crystal Star Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than the above Green
717 Blc. Young Min Orange 'Orange Golden Satisfaction' X C. Trick or Treat  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
479 Rhyncattleanthe  Young-min Orange 'Golden Satisfaction' Rth. Viola Nugget X Ctt. Trick or Treat Wilson Ng   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
343 Epicattleya  Gerardus Staal C. schilleriana x Epi. pseudepidendrum Cloud's Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
290 Cattleya    Rth. Village Chief 'Almamae' Crystal Star Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
283 Cattleya    (Blc. Chyong guu Chaffinch X Pot. Haw Yuan Gold) X Blc. Tzeng Wen Beauty Crystal Star Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
340 Potinara  Toshie's Charm Pot. Little Toshie 'Gold Country' AM/AOS x Blc. Izumi Charm 'SVO' AM/AOS Southern Ontario Orchid Society  John Vermeer 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.