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Ribbon results for:

Total Records: 3650
Ribbon Plant Tag Plant Name Exhibit   Grower Class
98 Blc. Majestic Light 'Crown'  Julliette and Albert St. Pierre   021 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Yellow, orange, flowers 10 cm or less in natural spread
123 Cattleya  Barefoot Mailman  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   021 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Yellow, orange, flowers 10 cm or less in natural spread
111 Blc.  Susan Stromsland X Pot. Rebecca Merkel  ECOS   021 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Yellow, orange, flowers 10 cm or less in natural spread
406 cattleya Pot. Chief Jewel  Orchid Greens   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
287 Cattleya    C. Tokyo Magic X Ctt. Crystal Star 'Ellen Lee' HCC/AOS Crystal Star Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
108 Cattleya  Bc. Chian-Tzy Huasuan "CT-Yellow River'  Orchid Greens   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
734 Brassiolaeliocattleya Blc. Bolton D'or Lewis  Southern Ontario Orchid Society  John Spears 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
312 Brassocattleya Yellow Bird (B. nodosa x Bc. Richard Mueller) Orchid Society of the RBG  Gavin Clarke 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
471 Blc. Meadow Gold  Essex County Orchid Society   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
40 Brassocattleya  |Yellow Bird  DiCiommo Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
261 Brasilaelia Cattleya Young-Min Orange 'Golden Satisfaction'  Synea Tan   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
49 Cattleya Netrasiri Starbright   London Orchid Society   021 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Yellow, orange, flowers 10 cm or less in natural spread
228 Potinara  CSO Hing  Crystal Star Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
84 Rhynchobrassoleya Golden Tang (Rlc. Waikiki Gold x Bc. Richard Mueller)  Orchid Society of the Royal Botanical Garden   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
283 Brassia Laelia Cattleya Young-Min Orange 'Golden Satisfaction'  Synea Tan   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
385 Potinara  Toshie's Charm Pot. Little Toshie "Gold Country" AM/AOS x Blc. Izumi Charm "SVO" AM/AOS Southern Ontario Orchid Society  John Vermeer 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
662 Rhynchocattleanthe Young-min Orange 'Golden Satisfaction'  Les Orchidophiles de Montreal   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
32 Slc. Ploenpit Fantasy 'Orange'  Bob Morden   021 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Yellow, orange, flowers 10 cm or less in natural spread
66 Cattleya  -  Albert and Julliette   021 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Yellow, orange, flowers 10 cm or less in natural spread
230 Rhyncholaeliocattleya   Kat E-Sun X Circle of Life Crystal Star Orchids   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
52 Cattleya  Netrasiri Starbright   London Orchid Society  Jerry Wolfe 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
165 Cattleya  Orchid glade x circle of life  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
190 Slc Ploenphit Fantasy   London Orchid Society  Jerry Wolfe 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
260 Brassolaeliocattleya   Guess What "SVO" am/aos x Love Sound "Dogashima" AM/AOS Niagara region Orchid Society  Rick Rempel 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).
280 Cattleya   Taiwan Spirit X Tzeng-Wen Beauty Crystal Star Nursery   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Yellow/Orange, flowers less than 10cm (4 in).