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Ribbon results for:
Southern Ontario Orchid Society: Valentine's Day Show 2015

Total Records: 411
Ribbon Plant Tag Plant Name Exhibit   Grower Class
32 Rossioglossum  Rawdon Jester 'Great Bee'   DiCiommo Orchids   078 Species, hybrids, and intergenerics of genera allied to Oncidium other than above.
387 Sarcoglottis  Metallica  Peter & Sherry Decyk   098b Orchid species not covered elsewhere.
633 Save Ontario Orchids Acrylic Painting $100. Art   104 Paintings: oils, watercolours, and pastels - must have been created by the exhibitor and not previously exhibited at a S.O.O.S. orchid show
749 Sedirea  Japonica var Nagoram  Les Orchidophiles de Montreal   068 Species of genera allied to Vanda other than above.
580 Silver Orchids Mixed Media 500 Art   105 Mixed media art - works incorporating non-traditional media with or without paints. Entries may include fabric art, wood carving, ceramic, glass, etc. - must have been created by the exhibitor and not previously exhibited at a S.O.O.S. orchid show
722 Slc. Seagulls Apricot X S. wittingiana  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   026 Miniature species, hybrids and intergeneric hybrids of Cattleya & allied genera and not entered in any of the previous classes. ( total normal mature height of plant equal to 25cm or less, excluding inflorescence)
232 Sophrolaeliocattleya  Tutankamen C. Chocolate Drop X Slc. Mae Hawkins Genesee Region OS   023 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Red/Red shades, flowers equal to 10 cm (4 inches) or less.
344 Sophrolaeliocattleya  Cloud's Bright Rocket Rocket Burst x Bright Angel Cloud's Orchids   026 Miniature species, hybrids and intergeneric hybrids of Cattleya & allied genera and not entered in any of the previous classes. ( total normal mature height of plant equal to 25cm or less, excluding inflorescence)
628 Sparkle Bomb   $50 Art   108 Au Naturel - use of natural light for in situ photos, group photos and or whole plant with container. - must have been created by the exhibitor and not previously exhibited at a S.O.O.S. orchid show
778 Stelis  quadrifida 'JBM'  Les Orchidophiles de Montreal   092 Species, hybrids and intergenerics of genera allied to Pleurothallis other than above.
85 Stenorrhynchos  albidomaculatum 'Christmas Sparkles' CCM/AOS  Orchids in our Tropics   098b Orchid species not covered elsewhere.
612 Stenosarcos  Van Guard 'Red Stripe'  Hamilton Greenhouse   098 Jewel orchids, with or without flowers
182 Sudamerlycaste  fragrans  Marsh Hollow Orchids   093 Lycaste, Ida, Sudamerlycaste, & Anguloa, species, hybrids and intergenerics.
87 Tolumnia  Snow Fairy  Orchids in our Tropics   075 Tolumnia (equitant Oncidium) species and hybrids.
324 Tolumnia  Rainbow #40  Crystal Star Orchids   075 Tolumnia (equitant Oncidium) species and hybrids.
30 Tolumnia  Di Ciommo Giuseppe  DiCiommo Orchids   075 Tolumnia (equitant Oncidium) species and hybrids.
816 Tolumnia  'Snow Fairy'  Ecugenera   075 Tolumnia (equitant Oncidium) species and hybrids.
790 Trichocentrum  cebolleta  Henry Glowka   078 Species, hybrids, and intergenerics of genera allied to Oncidium other than above.
328 Trichoglottis cirrhifera  Cloud's Orchids   068 Species of genera allied to Vanda other than above.
431 Tuberolabium  Woodii  Peter & Sherry Decyk   100 Miniature species, hybrids and intergenerics - all classes except Cattleya & allied genera as covered in Class 26. Only plants not entered elsewhere (except Class 102) are eligible. NOTE: miniature is defined as a naturally occurring diminutive plant in flower not exceeding 15cm (6 inches) in growth, excluding inflorescence.
360 Tuberolobium Woodii  Peter & Sherry Decyk   068 Species of genera allied to Vanda other than above.
634 Urban Paph   $48 Art   109 Photographic works using techniques of exposure and/or development and/or computer programs to manipulate the image
543 Vanda  v. lamellata x v. Noi Blue x Rhynchostylis  Essex County OS  Bob Morden 064a Vanda hybrids, Other colors, flowers larger than 3.5cm (1.5 inches).
442 Vanda  Sansai Blue V. Crimson Glory x V. coerulea OS of the RBG  Luke Witherspoon 063a Vanda hybrids, Blue/Purple, flowers larger than 3.5cm (1.5 inches).
652 Vanda  Robert's Delight (Garent Beauty) FCC/AOS Central Ontario Orchid Society   062a Vanda hybrids, Red/Pink, flowers larger than 3.5cm (1.5 inches).