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Ribbon results for:

Total Records: 3650
Ribbon Plant Tag Plant Name Exhibit   Grower Class
108 Cattleya  Pamela Stewart Elegance X C. Prima Dona 'Yukon Belle'  ECOS   019 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Semi-alba
188 Cattleya  Orglae's Grand 'Wilson's Choice' AM/AOS  Synea Tan   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - White or semi -alba
180 Cattleya  Orglades's Grand 'Wilson's Choice' AM/AOS  SOOS Members' Orchid Exhibit
  021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - White or semi -alba
256 Cattleya  Orglade's Grand 'Wilson's Choice' AM/AOS C. Mildred Rives X C. Persepolis Wilson Ng   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
333 Cattleya  Orglade's Grand 'Wilson's Choice' AM/AOS Mildred Rives x Persepolis Southern Ontario Orchid Society   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
166 Cattleya  Orchidglade x Circle of Life  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
165 Cattleya  Orchid glade x circle of life  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
282 Cattleya  noname  Eastern Canada Orchid Society   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than the above Yellow/orange
282 Cattleya  noname  Eastern Canada Orchid Society   026 Cattleya and allied genera: species, hybrids and intergenerics MINIATURE, total height of plant excluding inflorescence, 8 inches (20 cm) or less
52 Cattleya  Netrasiri Starbright   London Orchid Society  Jerry Wolfe 021 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Yellow/Orange, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
654 Cattleya  Mem. Maggie Hood 'Summit'  Les Orchidophiles de Montreal   020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semi-alba.
654 Cattleya  Mem. Maggie Hood 'Summit'  Les Orchidophiles de Montreal   101 Specimen plants. The exhibitor must have grown (owned) the plant for at least one (1) year.
62 Cattleya  Maxima  Essex County   017 Cattleya hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers 10cm or less in natural spread
256 Cattleya  maxima  Hamilton Greenhouse   015 Cattleya and Guarianthe species
153 Cattleya  maxima  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   015 Cattleya species
551 Cattleya Marie Song Mix (T1)  City of Toronto Parks Dept.   018 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above - Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 in).
59 Cattleya  Mari's Magic   Essex County Orchid Society  Albert St. Pierre 020 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Semialba.
532 Cattleya  lueddemanniana  Ecuagenera, Ecuador
  017 Cattleya, Guarianthe, species, flowers less than 10cm (4 in)
78 Cattleya loddigessii X L. purpurata  Essex County Orchid Society  Albert St. Pierre 017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
71 Cattleya  Loddigesii X L. purpurata  Essex County Orchid Society  Albert St. Pierre 018 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 inches).
61 Cattleya  loddigesii X L. purpurata   Essex County Orchid Society  Albert St. Pierre 018 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers larger than 10cm (4 inches).
153 Cattleya loddigesii  Crystal Star Nursery   015 Cattleya, Guarianthe, Laelia, Sophronitis species
169 Cattleya  Little Marmaid Janet  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   017 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above,Lavender/Mauve, flowers equal to 10cm (4 inches) or less.
108 Cattleya  Life's Melody Circle of life x Magic Melody Ottawa Orchid Society  André Couture 024 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, Other colors.
113 Cattleya  Lc. Husman's Galla   Orchid Greens   019 Cattleya and Guarianthe hybrids and intergenerics other than above, White.