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Ribbon results for:

Total Records: 3650
Ribbon Plant Tag Plant Name Exhibit   Grower Class
416 Phalaenopsis  Dtps. Sogo Davis TL  Orchid Greens   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
418 Phalaenopsis  Dtps. Yu Pin Leopard  Orchid Greens   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
188 Phalaenopsis   Dtps. Lioulin Linnet' YP' X Yu Pin Polar Star #4 Crystal Star Orchids   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
666 Phalaenopsis  Chianxen Diamon 'Celebration' FCC/AOS  Southern Ontario Orchid Society   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
19 Phalaenopsis  OX Prince "OX1482' AM/AOS OX Black Jack x Leopard Prince The OrchidPhile   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids Pink with markings* *Notes: a) with markings = with spots, bars, blush or stripes
184 Phalaenopsis  Mount Lip x Chain Xen Pearl  Le Paradis des Orchidees #2   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids Pink with markings* *Notes: a) with markings = with spots, bars, blush or stripes
87 Phalaenopsis  O X Black Face  Hamilton Greenhouse   049 Phalaenopsis/ Doritaenopsis hybrids - Pink - No markings
710 Doritopsis  Tai Lin Redangel  Hamilton Greenhouse   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
516 Phalaenopsis  Pink Girl  Hamilton Greenhouse   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
521 Phalaenopsis  Sogo Vivien Yellowstripe  Hamilton Greenhouse   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
131 Phalaenopsis  O x Little Prince  Essex County Orchid Society  Barbara Horvath 049 Phalaenopsis hybrids, Pink, with markings.
250 Phalaenopsis  Stone Dance Phalaenopsis Su-An Cricket x Phalaenopsis equestris var. alba This Side of Paradise   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
101 Phal. Ganlin Passion  Hamilton Greenhouse   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - Spots/bars/blush/stripes.
4 Phalaenopsis Ron - E Glamor (pink)  Di Ciommo Orchids   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes-flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
599 Phalaenopsis noname Purple  Ravenvision C   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes-flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
54 Phalaenopsis  Hornglin Gentle  Di Ciommo Orchids
  049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - White - no markings, with or without coloured lip, flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
101 Phalaenopsis  Formosa Dream 'Wilson' Phalaenopsis amabilis x Phalaenopsis lobbii Ottawa Orchid Society
 Tommy Wingreen 049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - White - no markings, with or without coloured lip, flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
276 Phalaenopsis  Liu's Fantasy 'Little White Snow'  Toronto Artistic Orchid Association
  049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - White - no markings, with or without coloured lip, flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
378 Phalaenopsis  Sacha Phalaenopsis malipoensis x Phalaenopsis parishii This Side of Paradise
  049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - White - no markings, with or without coloured lip, flowers less than 4cm (1.5 in)
420 Phalaenopsis  Dtps. Yu Pin Fairlady  Orchid Greens   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
415 Phalaenopsis  Taida Pink butterfly-MPW  Orchid Greens   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
556 Phalaenopsis  Dtps. Tinny Honey-LWR-PT  Orchid Greens   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm
170 Phalaenopsis  Ganlin Fairy x Taisuco Denise  Le Paradis des Orchidees #2   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids Pink with markings* *Notes: a) with markings = with spots, bars, blush or stripes
328 Phalaenopsis  Chien Xen Violin 'Raspberry'  Eastern Canada Orchid Society   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids Pink with markings* *Notes: a) with markings = with spots, bars, blush or stripes
520 Phalaenopsis  no name  Toronto Artistic Orchid Society   049 Phalaenopsis hybrids - Pink - with or without markings - Spots/bars/blush/stripes - greater than 4cm