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Trophy Name Trophy Desc Winner
Best Display Class A Open Competition - Vendors Display of orchid plants in flower, arranged for effect. Any number of plants allowed. Exhibit Exhibit  in: Orchids in Our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
Best Display by a Novice Awarded to the Best Display by a first time or novice grower. Display Display  in: Szilard Antal
  by: Szilard Antal
Best Display 16-25 plants - Open Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. OPEN COMPETITION (Class 4a) Display Display  in: Inge and Peter Poot  by: Inge and Peter Poot
Best Display 16-25 plants - Open Class 4a Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN Display Display  in: Toronto Artistic Orchid Association  by: Rosanna Li
Best Display 16-25 Plants - Open Best of Class 4a. Display Display  in:  by: John Marcotte
Best Display 16-25 plants - Amatuer Class 4 Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR Display Display  in: Inge and Peter Poot  by: Inge and Peter Poot
Best Display 16-25 plants - Amateur Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. AMATEUR (Class 4) Display Display  in: Stanley Luk  by: Stanley Luk
Best Display 16-25 Plants - Amateur Best of Class 4.     
Best Display 16-25 Amateur 4. Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR Display Display  in: London Orchid Society  by: London Orchid Society
Best Display 16 - 25 plants Open Competition Class 4a. Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. OPEN COMPETITION Display Display  in: Peter and Sherry Decyk  by: Peter Decyk
Best Display 16 - 25 Open 4a. Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN DISPLAY DISPLAY  in: - Daniel Scher  by: John Marcotte
Best Display 11-15 plants - Open Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. OPEN COMPETITION (Class 3a) display   in: DiCiommo Orchids  by: Joe DiCiommo
Best Display 11-15 plants - Open Class 3a Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN Display Display  in: Ravenvision 2  by: Jay Norris
Best Display 11-15 plants - Amatuer Class 3 Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR Display Display  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Best Display 11-15 plants - Amateur Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. AMATEUR (Class 3) Display Display  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Best Display 11-15 plants - Amatuer Best of Class 3. Display Display  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Best Display 11 - 15 plants - Open Best of Class 3a.     
Best Display 11 - 15 plants Open Competition Class 3a. Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. OPEN COMPETITION Exhibit Exhibit  in: Joseph DiCiommo  by: Joe DiCiommo
Best Display 11 - 15 Open Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN Display Display  in: C & C Orchids  by: Chris Varady
Best Display 11 - 15 Amateur 3. Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR Display Display  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan