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Trophy results for:
Southern Ontario Orchid Society: Valentine's Day Show 2015

Trophy Name Trophy Desc Winner
Display Class 4 Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. Open Exhibit    in: Marsh Hollow Orchids  by: Mario Ferrusi
Best Phragmipedium Classes 40a - 42 Phragmipedium  Grande 'Macrochilum' AM/AOS  in: Orchids in our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
Best Pleurothallid  Classes 89 - 92 Pleurothallis  teaguei sp in: Orchids in our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
Display Class 6 Display of more than 25 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. Open competition Display    in: Orchids in our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
GARY SCHREIBER MEMORIAL TROPHY for best Paphiopedilum species Classes 27- 29b Paphiopedilum  villosum var. Ananense  in: DiCiommo Orchids  by: Joe DiCiommo
Best of no name orchid plants Class 103 Dendrobium  nobile ????? in: Heinsz Ernstberger  by: Heinz Ernstberger
Display Class 1 Display of 1-10 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences put on by one or more amateur growers including Orchid Societies. (Amateur is here defined as a hobbyist who sells less than 200 orchid plants per year.)