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Trophy Name Trophy Desc Winner
CANADIAN ORCHID CONGRESS Award Awarded to exhibit for the best interpretation of show theme Display Display  in: Windsor Orchid Society
  by: Ed Cott
Gold Certificate Awarded to and outstanding display as determined by AOS judges. Display Display  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal  by: Mario Mireault
Silver Certificate Awarded to an excellent display as determined by AOS judges. Display Display  in: Orchids in Our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
Silver Certificate Awarded to a superior display according to AOS judging Display Display  in: City of Toronto Parks Dept.  by: Curtis Evoy
Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award Awarded to a plant whose body of blooms reflect a consistently high quality of flower production.     
AOS Show Trophy Awarded for the most outstanding exhibit, if merited according to AOS judging Exhibit Exhibit  in: Orchids in Our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
COC Awarded at the discretion of the judges to the an exemplary display.     
Canadian Orchid Congress Award Awarded to exhibit for the best interp retation of show theme. Display Display  in: Allan Gardens and Centennial Park Conservatories  by: Curtis Evoy
Best Society Display - large Any number of plants by an orchid society. Display Display  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal  by: Mario Mireault
Best Society - medium Any number of plants by an orchid society. Display Display  in: Central Ontario Orchid Society  by: Ed Ratcliffe
Best Society - small Any number of plants by an orchid society. Display Display  in: Windsor Orchid Society  by: Mark Whelan
Best Society Display 7. Display of ANY number of flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage SOCIETY Display Display Display  in: Niagara Region Orchid Society  by: Niagara Region Orchid Society c/o Ted Kretz
Best Display more than 25 Open 5. Display of more than 25 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. OPEN COMPETITION Display Display  in: Orchids in Our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
Best Display 16 - 25 Open 4a. Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN DISPLAY DISPLAY  in: - Daniel Scher  by: John Marcotte
Best Display 16-25 Amateur 4. Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR Display Display  in: London Orchid Society  by: London Orchid Society
Best Display 11 - 15 Amateur 3. Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR Display Display  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Best Display 1-10 Amatuer 2. Display of 1-10 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR (Amateur is here defined as a hobbyist who sells less than 200 orchid plants per year. The display may be constructed by one or more amate Basket   in: Joe O'Regan Basket  by: Joe O'Regan
Best Display Novice 1. Display of any number of flowering orchids, or orchids grown for unusual foliage by a person or persons who have NEVER entered an exhibit in an orchid show. Display Display - Hurricane Lamp  in: Thom Fraleigh  by: Thom Fraleigh
Cattleya Award Plaque (Perpetual Award): Best Cattleya in Show Cattleya  Loddigesii X L. purpurata  in: Essex County Orchid Society  by: Albert St. Pierre
Cattleya Award Plaque (Perpetual Award): Best Cattleya in Show Lc. Marcello Miranda 'Night Sky'  in: Southern Ontario Orchid Society  by: David Bryan