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Trophy Name Trophy Desc Winner
Best Dendrobium Classes 82- 88 Dendrobium    chrysopterum x Jackie Stocker in: Zephyrus Orchids  by: John Doherty
Best Dendrobium Classes 82a- 88 Dendrobium  Kingrose 'June Patricia'  in: Orchid Society of the RBG  by: June Kramer
Best Dendrobium Classes 82a- 88 Dendrobium  White Grace 'Sato' BM/JOGA Den. Fifieth State X Den. speciosum in: Wilson Ng  by: Wilson Ng
Best Dendrobium Best Dendrobium Classes 82- 88 Dendrobium  SOOS Celebrates 50  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Best Dendrobium Dendrobium Award Best in classes 82 through 88. Dendrobium  hibiki  in: London Orchid Society  by: Jim Gillespie
Best Dendrobium Classes 82 - 88. Dendrobium  Aussie's Chip 'Charlie' CCE/AOS abberans x atroviolaceum in:  by: John Marcotte
Best Cattleya Award Classes 10-26 Lc. Marcello Miranda 'Night Sky'  in: Southern Ontario Orchid Society  by: David Bryan
Best Cattleya Ally Best of genera allied to Cattleya Classes 10 - 13 Encyclia cordigera  in: Windsor Orchid Society  by: Mark Whlelan
Best Cattleya allied Best of genera allied to Cattleya Classes 10 - 13 Epidendrum  stamfordianum (1)  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal  by: Mario Mireault
Best Cattleya Alliance Classes 10 -26 Slc Circle of Life 'Red Fire' LC Culayn x S. coccina in: Joe Csabai  by: Joe Csabai
Best Cattleya Alliance Classes 10 -26 Perpetual Cattleya Award by Albert & Julliette St. Pierre Cattleya  (lt. pink)  in: Essex County  by: Barb Morden
Best Cattleya Alliance Classes 10 -26 Perpetual Cattleya Award by Albert & Julliette St. Pierre Brassavola-Cattleya  Little Mermaid "˜Janet' BM/JOGO  in: Southern Ontario Orchid Society  by: Southern Ontario Orchid Society
Best Art Best of Class 6. Arts Competition Painting   in: Art  by: Sue Kelsh
Best Amatuer Display 16 - 25 plants Class 4. Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. AMATEUR 004   in: Friends of DROS  by: Anne Antanaitis
Best Amatuer Display 11 - 15 plants Class 3. Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. AMATEUR Display entry  in: Orchids by Heinz  by: Heinz Ernstberger
Best Amatuer Display 1 - 10 plants Class 2. Display of 1-10 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences put on by one or more AMATEUR growers (Amateur is here defined as a hobbyist who sells less than 200 orchid plants per year.) Art Display  in: Wilson Ng  by: Wilson Ng
Best Amateur Display Class 3 display 8   in: Joe and Sheila Dorian-Csabai  by: Joe Csabai
Barney Smyth Award Best plant in show Guarianthe  bowringiana  in: Le Jardin bontanique de Montreal  by: Denis Laperriere
AOS SHOW TROPHY and Silver Certificate Awarded under the provisions of the judging handbook for the best display in the show. Display Display  in: Orchids in Our Tropics  by: Terry and Doug Kennedy
AOS SHOW TROPHY - Gold Medal(90) Awarded under the provisions of the judging handbook for the best display in the show. Display Display  in: Les Orchidphiles de Montreal  by: Mario Mireault