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Trophy results for:
Southern Ontario Orchid Society Show 2023: Celebrating the Fringe

Trophy Name Trophy Desc Winner
CANADIAN ORCHID CONGRESS Award Awarded to exhibit for the best interpretation of show theme Display Display  in: Southern Ontario Orchid Society  by: Alina Furtak
AOS SHOW TROPHY Awarded under the provisions of the judging handbook for the best display in the show. Display Display  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal
  by: Mario Mireault
Best Hybrid Paphiopedilum Best Hybrid Paphiopedilum Classes 30 - 37 Paphiopedilum  Saint Low  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal
  by: Jardin botanique de Montreal
Best Miscellaneous Best Miscellaneous Classes 104 - 112 Coelogyne  cristata  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal
  by: Mario Mireault
Best of genera allied to Cattleya Best of genera allied to Cattleya Classes 11 - 16 Coilostylis  parkinsonianum  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal
  by: Yannik Methot
Best of Orchid Art Best of Orchid Art Classes 114 - 116 Nevision Ladies  Not for Sale in: Art and Photography  by: Bert Liverance
Best of Orchid Photography Best of Orchid Photography Classes 117-119 Phrag #4 photography $80 in: Art and Photography  by: Jay Norris
Best orchid grown by a Junior Grower Best orchid grown by a Junior Grower Class 10b     
Best Phragmipedium Best Phragmipedium Classes 43- 45 Phragmipedium  Giganteum  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Best plant in SOOS display Best plant in SOOS display Fredclarkeara  After Dark  in: Southern Ontario Orchid Society  by: Joe O'Regan
Best Vandaceous Classes 63 - 78 Rhynchostylis  gigantea 'Wilson's Choice' AM/AOS  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Class 3. Display 1-10 Amateur Display of 1-10 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR     
Class 4. Display 1-10 OPEN Display of 1-10 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN     
Class 5. Display 11-15 Amateur Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR Display Display  in: Synea Tan  by: Synea Tan
Class 6. Display 11-15 - Open Display of 11-15 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN     
Class 7. Display 16-25 Amateur Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. AMATEUR     
Class 8. Display 16-25 Open Display of 16-25 flowering orchid plants, cut inflorescences or orchids grown for unusual foliage. OPEN display Fridge   in: Ravenvision
  by: Jay Norris
Class 1. Exhibit Display of any number of flowering orchids, or orchids grown for unusual foliage by a person or persons who have NEVER entered an exhibit in an orchid show.     
Class 9 Display More Than 25 - Open Display of more than 25 flowering orchid plants or cut inflorescences. OPEN COMPETITION Display Display  in: Zephyrus Orchids
  by: John Doherty
WALTER NORMAN MEMORIAL TROPHY for Best Cattleya Classes 17 - 27a Cattleya  coccinea "select 4N JBM"  in: Les Orchidophiles de Montreal
  by: Jardin botanique de Montreal