Free Images

Images for your website or Blog

Thumbnails of all of our images are available for FREE inclusion in your website or blog as long as you maintain the link back to our site. Every detail page (thats the large size of photo) has the code you need. Just copy the HTML code (under "Embed this image") and paste it into your website or blog.

the code looks like this (this will give you Phalaenopsis Brother Sara Gold) :

<a href = " "><img src="" alt="Phalaenopsis Brother Sara Gold multiforal "></a>

It would show up like this: Phalaenopsis Brother Sara Gold multiforal

Image Banners

You can also put banners on your website with random images from our image bank. These banners provide random images from our extensive image bank. Clicking on the image take you to the enlarged version on our site. Different images are displayed every time the page refreshes. These are easily customizable to fit with the design of your page. Horizontal, verticle, with or without plant names, fully customizable background colours. Click here to get your own custom code.

Here are some examples . Refresh this page to see them change:

Link To Us

Spread the word

A simple text link would be great (copy this code to your page). We will happily consider reciprocal links from quality orchid or photography related websites. You may already be in our Orchid Resource Database!

Graphic Banners are a much cooler way to link to our site.

Banner 435 X 109


Copy this code

Animated Banner 485X60


Copy this code