
Everything You Need to Know About Orchid Fertilizer

Everything You Need to Know About Orchid Fertilizer   by D Swain

Orchid fertilizer is essential for keeping your plant thriving. It delivers a blend of nutrients that the plant converts into energy for development and growth. If you're unfamiliar with the basics of using fertilizer, this article will tell you everything you need to know.


Every good fertilizer contains three important macronutrients. They include nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. This is commonly abbreviated NPK. Nitrogen mainly helps the plant's stem and leaves grow. While growth will likely be restricted if the plant doesn't get enough nitrogen, too much can reduce flowering.

Phosphorous is essential for production of protein, which is necessary for the production of flowers. If the orchid doesn't receive enough, growth may slow dramatically. It can also cause the plant to lose flowers early. The element potassium plays a role in loss and absorption of water. It also helps synthesize proteins.


Orchid fertilizer should also contain micronutrients. They are needed to support flowers and new growth. Micronutrients are especially important if the plant is grown in a soil-less potting mix. Some of the most common micronutrients include copper, zinc, sodium, silicon, and cobalt.


There are inorganic and organic varieties of fertilizer. Organic varieties can harbor various diseases that may infect your plant. It's usually best to use an inorganic mix. A special treatment process is used to destroy these diseases so that your plant will stay healthy.


The main entry point of fertilizer is through the roots, so you should definitely spray them. However, the plant can also absorb some of the food that makes contact with its leaves. Most types of orchid fertilizer require that you dilute them with water. You should be careful not to get any water trapped between the leaves. This allows fungus or bacteria to buildup, especially when temperatures get cooler. This can easily be fatal to your plant.


There are two different types of fertilizer, namely coated and water-soluble. The water-soluble type is liquid that has to be diluted with water and given to the plant. Coated fertilizer usually comes in the form of pellets. These pellets release the nutrients gradually over time. One problem you may have with these pellets is that they may be washed away during watering before the nutrients have been released.

About the Author

Giving your plant fertilizer is just one necessary part of caring for it. Come to care4orchids.com to learn how to take proper care of orchids . So, stop by today so that you can become an expert at growing orchids .

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